Mental Health and Metabolic Health

Holistic Health Bites podcast by Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson featuring Dr Christina Bjorndal discussing mental and metabolic health
Dr. Christina Bjorndal shares her journey into naturopathic medicine after a suicide attempt left her hospitalized, revealing how conventional medications failed to fully treat her mental health issues.  She emphasizes treating patients holistically by addressing their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, not just symptoms, explaining the four pillars' interconnected roles in health.

Simple changes like reducing sugar, coffee and carbonation intake make a difference by supporting the body's natural functions, while eating nutrient-dense whole foods better nourishes the physical, mental and gut microbiome.  Mindfulness practices like recognizing unhelpful thoughts, relaxing into stillness and rephrasing narratives cultivate presence and self-compassion, countering inner critics and core wounds driving self-sabotage.

Dr. Bjorndal unravels cases by considering neurotransmitters, hormones and the immune-gut axis, gleaning insights from symptoms' origins to pinpoint each person's unique macro-system imbalances.  Our subconscious dialogues shape our lives, but conscious awareness allows redirecting thoughts to healthier beliefs, as she demonstrated overcoming rejection fears to transform her career path.


Glucose-Ketone Index

On this episode of the Holistic Health Bites podcast, Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson explains the Glucose-Ketone Index. 

The Glucose-Ketone Index (GKI) presents a valuable tool for monitoring metabolic health by measuring the ratio of blood sugar to blood ketones, offering insights into one's energy production mechanisms. This index underscores the misconception that the body needs dietary carbohydrates to maintain adequate blood sugar levels, pointing out the body's innate ability to produce glucose from non-carbohydrate sources. It highlights the processes of gluconeogenesis, which allows the body to create new glucose, thus negating the necessity to consume carbohydrates for energy.

Insulin's role is highlighted as a regulatory hormone that manages blood sugar and signals the storage of excess energy, thus influencing the body's ability to burn fat or lose weight. To optimize insulin levels, the post recommends limiting intake of foods that cause the highest spikes in blood sugar and insulin, alongside adopting dietary practices that encourage lower insulin levels, such as intermittent fasting and reduced carbohydrate consumption. This approach advocates for a deeper understanding of the body's metabolic processes to achieve ideal body weight and enhanced energy levels.

Exploring the advantages of ketones as an alternative energy source, the post reveals how ketones take metabolic priority over glucose due to their ability to be used by nearly every cell in the body, their water solubility, and their capability to cross the blood-brain barrier to fuel the brain. The method for testing and interpreting one's Glucose-Ketone Index is detailed, offering a practical guide for individuals seeking to improve their metabolic health, achieve weight loss, and enhance energy levels naturally. Recommendations are provided for those struggling to achieve desired GKI levels, emphasizing patience and adjustments in diet, lifestyle, and eating patterns.

Freedom from Cancer

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson interviews Katrina Foe on her cancer story
On this episode of the Holistic Health Bites podcast, I welcome special guest Katrina Foe to discuss the importance of self-advocacy in health matters, the need for testing to identify underlying health issues, and the impact of environmental factors on health. She also emphasized the role of genetics and lifestyle choices in cancer prevention and treatment. The conversation focused on the importance of nutrition, particularly in relation to cancer treatment. She also touched upon the challenges and misconceptions related to transitioning to a ketogenic lifestyle. Towards the end, she discussed the importance of understanding cancer causes and effective treatments, and the potential benefits of alternative treatments for cancer.

Conditions Related to Insulin Resistance

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson covers a lengthy list of conditions that are related to insulin resistance.

This marks the 100th episode of the Holistic Health Bites podcast, and we're diving deep into metabolic health, particularly the often-overlooked topic of insulin resistance. Studies suggest that nearly half of adults worldwide have insulin resistance, yet many remain unaware of its implications.

In this episode, I'll be rapidly covering a comprehensive list of conditions related to insulin resistance. These conditions range from those directly caused by insulin resistance to those exacerbated by it, forming a complex web of health challenges. This is NOT an exhaustive list...essentially every chronic disease or persistent condition is caused by or exacerbated by insulin resistance and poor metabolic health. 

Postpartum Metabolic Health

Postpartum metabolic health with Dr Brandy Cummings by Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson on the Holistic Health Bites podcast
In this episode of the Holistic Health Bites podcast, functional nutritionist Andrea Nicholson hosted Dr. Brandy Cummings, a specialist in pregnancy, postpartum conditions, and the impacts of metabolic health. Dr. Brandy shared insights into the crucial role of environmental medicine in postpartum support, drawing from her personal health challenges, including a harrowing two-year battle with mold illness and its repercussions on fertility. This experience significantly shaped her approach to patient care, emphasizing the need for environmental cleanliness and the importance of metabolic health in postpartum recovery.

Dr. Brandy highlighted the significance of comprehensive preconception health optimization, advising prospective parents on the importance of reducing toxic exposures to ensure a healthy start for future generations. This approach not only benefits the immediate postpartum period but also has multigenerational impacts, underlining the importance of environmental health in reproductive and postpartum care. The discussion included practical strategies, such as prioritizing nourishment, building support networks, and the necessity of specific postpartum tests, like thyroid function tests, to safeguard against increased autoimmunity risks.

Key takeaways from the episode included actionable advice for women at all stages of reproduction, emphasizing the significance of thyroid testing in the postpartum phase, minimizing exposure to environmental toxins before conception, and the health benefits of daily outdoor exposure to fresh air and sunlight. These insights underscore the multifaceted approach needed to support women's health before, during, and after pregnancy, highlighting the importance of environmental factors in the overall well-being of mothers and their children.
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